Through this very fancy website, I want to share my interests in the circadian clock, and molecular biology, as well as other research fields, such as machine learning, programming, data science, social science, open sciences and especially beer.

Barron Fujimoto CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Currently, I’m working at the Weizmann Institute (Israel) in the Asher lab, where I’m interested in the molecular mechanisms affecting the circadian clock. Previously, I did a one-year post-doc in bioinformatics in the Regazzi lab at the University of Lausanne to study the maturation of pancreatic islets. I did my PhD training in the computational systems biology lab of Prof. Felix Naef at EPFL, where I studied the interplay between metabolism and the circadian cycle in mouse liver, using next-generation sequencing approaches. I pursued my master’s in the mucosal immunity lab at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) where I investigated the effect of lipoxin A4 on endometriosis at the protein level under the supervision of Dr. Geraldine Canny.

Alongside my academic work, I was involved in Hackuarium, a cool bio-hacker space in Renens, where I did science popularization. I took part in the Bio-science Network Association in Lausanne (BSNL) where I was involved in the organisation of the life science career days. Last but not least, I founded the ISCB-SC-RSG Switzerland, the Swiss group of students affiliated with the International Society of Computational Biology.

Jonathan Sobel